Getting rid of junk when moving
Man and woman moving out

Moving is a time where you have no choice but to sort and organize everything in your home. When sorting out your items, you sometimes realize how many of them you don't actually use, and you may also part with things you consider to be damaged. On top of that, when arriving at your new place, you may even be faced with someone else's junk. There are a lot of ways to get rid of junk you simply don’t need or want anymore – and some things you consider to be junk might have value to other people. Here’s how to get rid of junk when moving. 

Hire a junk removal service

Junk removal services are offered by companies who have expertise in handling items that you consider to be junk. A junk removal service will come directly into your home and get rid of the unwanted items for you - you won’t even have to lift a finger. The company will then either safely dispose of the items or recycle them, or even repurpose them. Hiring a junk removal service is the easiest, but costliest option to get rid of your junk. When looking for the best junk removal service, search for Google or Yelp reviews with client feedback indicating fair pricing, meticulousness, and punctuality.

Host a garage sale

Hosting a garage sale is an excellent way to get rid of the things you don’t need and also make some extra cash to cover future moving expenses. While it may take a bit of time to sell your items, you can sit back and enjoy the day and chat with your neighbours. Before planning a garage sale, it’s important to check with your local regulations, as some cities either require you to obtain a permit or only allow you to have a garage during specific times of the year. It’s also important to think about safety when hosting a garage sale before you accidentally sell anything that could potentially cause someone harm. 

Check if your city offers a recurring junk removal service

A recurring junk removal service is when junk removal trucks make monthly or pre-planned visits to clear out garbage from your curb. Sometimes, this service is offered for free by the city. If you're thinking about getting rid of your junk when moving, check if your city has a recurring service in place, as this may represent an easy alternative to getting rid of your junk – you’ll simply have to place it on the corner of your street. 

Donate your unwanted items

Some items you consider to be useless for yourself may indeed be useful to someone else. Donating to someone in need is a great way to feel good about what you’re giving away. One way to do this is to ask your friends or family members if they want any of the items you’re giving away. If no one you know wants them, consider donating them to a charitable organization

Repurpose your junk

While you may be thinking about getting rid of your old items, you may be able to preserve some parts and use them for something else. There are so many books, online DIY tutorials and resources out there that can guide you through repurposing your junk. 

Visit your local waste management centre

Some items like an old couch and used batteries just can’t be donated or sold, and therefore need to be disposed of. To protect the environment, it’s important to properly dispose of your junk. A good way to do this is to visit your local waste management centre, where you will find different sections assigned to specific types of materials. By disposing of your junk at your local waste management center yourself, you can save on the cost of hiring a junk removal service. 


Getting rid of your junk is easier than you think, as there are so many ways to simplify this process. After decluttering your home from all the things you don’t need, you'll have much less to carry to your new place!

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