Even if many publishing houses offer attractive and well-designed programs, they are not enough to keep children motivated. With a heavy educational program, evaluations and report cards, it's hard to find the time for inspiring projects! Luckily, there are many educational games on the market that can work perfectly with your planning – whether you’re in class or teaching remotely.
Here are some suggestions to make your class more entertaining - after all, your students are children, and as teachers, you all have an inner child! (Please note that these games are offered in French only.)
For the preschool children
For phonological awareness, the
The board games created by
For the first cycle (grades 1 and 2)
The publishing house
Keep reading for more ideas for young children - some games from the next category can easily be adapted to their level.
For older children (grades 3 to 6)
For math, specifically arithmetic, "Fin lapin 3" and "MétéorMath 2" are two musts for multiplication tables and mathematical operations. Both these games allow you to configure what the student will work on. You can also gradually increase the difficulty level while respecting the learning curve and having fun! The game "La Foire" is great for reviewing geometry notions starting in grade 4 (triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, angles, polygons and polyhedrons). Students can navigate between the different kiosks at the pirate fair and accumulate coupons for each win.
Back on the AlloProf site, "Le Grimoire" helps students practice reading comprehension in an interactive form. Finally, Conjugo and Magimots are great games to practise the week's lessons, as the teacher can choose what the game will teach the students. Conjugo is for verb conjugation, whereas Magimots is for vocabulary. They are both easy to use and children can play with them on their own.
On another topic - but still in French - the "Bescherelle" board game is generally well loved by students. A word of caution: they will not be excited when they first see it! After all, the Bescherelle is rarely their favourite tool; however, once you take the time to show them how to play, they will be sold! The teacher can even use the question cards from the game to create an online quiz for virtual classes. It's a great investment!
In conclusion, there are several accessible and easy ways to make teaching more playful without impacting education. Whether you’re teaching in class or remotely, there are lots of options for teachers to get in the game!
Ariane Lefebvre holds a degree in early childhood and primary education from UQÀM and is passionate about her career as a kindergarten teacher. Children’s literature and fostering a welcoming environment both hold a very important place in her heart. She is also currently completing her advanced graduate diploma in Educational Institution Management.