Adulting is hard, no matter who you are or what you do – and even professional hockey players struggle sometimes. Just ask Morgan Rielly and William Nylander! The next iteration of Sonnet’s Adulting campaign sees our two hockey stars in different situations, both having to tackle one big thing: “adulting.” But with the help of our new program Sonnet Shift, they find out that adulting – and saving money on insurance – isn’t that hard after all.
Lights Out
While Toronto Maple Leafs forward William Nylander may be a phenom on the ice, at home he can be a little less motivated. We find him unable to work up the will to take down his holiday lights, but with encouragement from our Adulting Hero, William realizes he maybe shouldn’t be “that guy” who leaves his holiday lights up all year round. He’s also now aware that he can save money on his auto insurance with Sonnet Shift – just one more adulting task made easier.
I am Morgan Rielly
Our reluctant adulting hero in this spot is Toronto Maple Leaf defenseman Morgan Rielly, and he’s up against the challenge of finding a decent insurance rate – even when there’s so many less capable drivers out there (including one particularly irksome Zamboni driver). Why is he paying so much for his auto insurance? Luckily, our Adulting Pro is on hand to help introduce Morgan to Sonnet Shift, where he can save more the better he drives.
What is Sonnet Shift?
Sonnet Shift puts you in control of your car insurance premium and rewards you for making smart choices behind the wheel. Our free, easy-to-use smartphone app monitors your driving for every trip you take and scores it from 0 to a perfect 100. Every three months you could earn savings of up to 35% for driving safely - but, very risky drivers could pay up to 30% more. It’s simple: safe driving helps you save money.
Currently, Sonnet Shift is only available in Ontario and Québec.
Campaign Recap
These days, there are times when today’s adults don’t feel like adults. After all, the realities of adulthood can become quite overwhelming: careers, marriage, kids, homeownership, and much more, hence the meme “I don’t feel like adulting today.” And who can blame them? Adulting takes a lot of work, and then of course there’s the need to review and select your home and auto insurance provider.
Luckily, that’s where Sonnet comes in. Our application process takes one of the big adult responsibilities – getting insured - and makes it feel like child’s play. Answer a few simple questions on your phone and in a couple of minutes, you’re insured. How adult is that?
Welcome to ‘Adulting Made Simple’, our new campaign highlighting a few ‘adulting’ moments that we all go through, whether it’s making dinner, selecting a daycare, figuring out car troubles, or even making it to your kids’ activities on time. The idea of adulting perfectly captures that in-between feeling that so many people are left with: having one foot in adulthood and the other not sure what to do!
Our latest campaign highlights the unique properties that are exclusively Sonnet’s – we’re fast, straightforward, customizable, and here for you. All these elements come to life as we witness a future Sonnet customer realize that there actually is an easier way – and that beyond all of the difficulties of adulting, there is a more straightforward approach to home and auto insurance.
Adulting Made Simple
Looking for the latch under the hood of your car? Another adulting dilemma many of us face at one point or another. Whether it’s a new car or a car that is new to you, searching for and then ultimately locating the latch can be an extremely frustrating task. Dale knows this all too well, and while our ambassador advises him that he can contact Sonnet 24/7, he still may have to contact his dad to figure out the latch situation.
Next, we have ‘Activities,’ in which we quickly realize that Jason has given up on his endeavours. How does a parent balance the time between all of their child’s activities? Sometimes, not so well. Our Sonnet ambassador once again arrives to show Jason a simpler way that university and college grads can save big – and while he might not have solved the riddle of being in two places at once, he’ll still be able to save on his home and auto insurance.
In conclusion, adulting is hard, but Sonnet is simple. While we can’t spare you from your everyday grownup tasks, we can ensure your insurance shopping and buying is as seamless as possible.